Star Icon Program of- Jewish Family Service Association (JFSA)
JFSA administers scholarships and grants to students in the greater Cleveland area enrolled in accredited institutions of higher education.
Scholarships are awarded in competition with other students who have met application requirements. Some scholarships are renewable. Grants are based on need and available funds. Funds may be used toward tuition and education fees. All students must reapply each year. Loans may be made available in some circumstances.
Jessica Rosenblitt, Manager of Scholarships and Financial Aid
• High school senior, college undergraduate, or graduate student who identifies as Jewish
• Full time student
• Attending an accredited 4-year college (no online programs)
• Resident of Cuyahoga, Summit, Portage, Geauga, Medina, Lorain or Lake counties
• Has applied to or exhausted other sources and still needs additional finances to complete education
• 2.5 GPA minimum
*Eligibility guidelines vary by individual scholarship.
Learn about new scholarship available for students from middle income households, funded by Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation. Up to $5,000 can be awarded. Applications are processed on competitive first-come, first serve basis for students with a 3.0 GPA and higher.
1. Visit and click on the application link, which will connect you to the AwardSpring financial aid application.
2. Answer the series of questions provided which will determine what type of funding is available to you.
3. Submit necessary documents such as your transcript, ACT/SAT scores, and tax documents. You can scan these documents and upload them to the AwardSpring website.
4. Pay the application fee of $52 immediately after submitting your application online. Your application is not complete until the application fee is paid.
5. All new applicants will have the opportunity for a personal interview with a program manager.
Application deadlines are listed online at, along with a list of available scholarships.