Gross Schechter Middle School

Gross Schechter Day School’s Middle School program stresses critical thinking and creativity, curiosity and perseverance, and global awareness and personal responsibility in a comprehensive education outstanding in both general and Judaic subjects. Students are given greater independence than in earlier grades and encouraged to set and reach individual goals. Teachers work closely with our students to assist them in reaching their highest potentials.

Lauren Henkin, Middle School Coodinator and Language Arts Teacher, grades 6-8

Some of the many middle school highlights are:

  • A daily advisory period in which students meet with their grade level advisor.  The advisor-student relationship is invaluable, as the advisor serves as the student’s mentor and is an integral part of the student’s academic and social development.
  • Student government, with representatives meeting weekly, focuses on social and mitzvah activities for the middle school.
  • A buddy program with the early childhood classes allows our students to become role models and friends, thus building bonds that extend beyond the school walls.
  • Our 7th grade students soar each year at the Northeast Ohio Science and Engineering Fair.
  • As a culmination of their years at Gross Schechter, our 8th grade students spend three weeks in Israel giving them an experience for life.
  • Arts Electives – students have the opportunity to choose a variety of arts outlets to explore.
  • Inter-school teams in sports (ie. soccer, basketball) and academics (ie. Power of the Pen, Bible Contest).