Young Israel of Greater Cleveland Logo

Young Israel of Greater Cleveland

Young Israel of Greater Cleveland is a 345-family Orthodox congregation located in Beachwood.

Arielle Haft, Synagogue Administrator

The aims and purposes of this Organization shall be to foster and maintain a program of spiritual, cultural, social and community activity, towards the advancement and perpetuation of Orthodox Judaism and a love for Eretz Yisrael; to instill in Jewish youth an understanding and appreciation of the high ethical and spiritual values of Judaism; and to promote the welfare of members of the Organization and to assist, in every reasonable way, the Greater Cleveland Jewish community. The Organization shall strive to support and respect all aspects of Orthodox Judaism and will assume a leadership role in promoting unity within the Greater Cleveland Jewish community.

Other Information:

Naphtali Burnstein, Senior Rabbi

Aharon D. Lebovics, Associate Rabbi HAC Branch

Yank Gecovich, President