Temple Israel (Bath, OH)
Temple Israel is turning 160 in 2025 making it one of Akron, Ohio's oldest congregations of any faith. Temple Israel has about 400 families as members, hosts a vibrant and inclusive religious school. We count among our members residents of Summit, Stark, Medina, Cuyahoga, Portage, and Wayne Counties.
Kylee Burdohan, Communications Coordinator
Our Community
We are proud of how each member brings his or her own story to our diverse community — such as those who have a multi-generational history at our congregation and those new to the city or to Temple Israel and of all ages and backgrounds who are seeking a Jewish community — a place to call home.
The Sacred
We gather on Friday evenings for our Erev Shabbat services and Saturday mornings for Torah Study and morning services. Our Jewish educational programs are first-class, with one of the finest fully inclusive religious schools in our city and a robust adult education program. Our goal is to provide for a lifetime of Jewish learning. We also host a sizable library wherein our members may check out materials at no charge.
Other Information:
Joshua Brown, Rabbi
Kathy Fromson, Cantor
David Horowitz, Rabbi Emeritus