Na’amat Cleveland Council
NA’AMAT USA is a nonprofit volunteer organization that partners with NA’AMAT Israel to provide vital educational and social services for women, children, and families in need, in Israel.
Marci Curtis, Executive Director
NA’AMAT is an international organization that has been enhancing the lives and empowering women and children in Israel since 1925. Originally named Pioneer Women, it was founded in Israel and has grown to sisterhood organizations in 13 countries throughout the world.
- Operates NA’AMAT, the largest provider of childcare services in Israel, welcomes 17,000 pre-school boys and girls to its 200 centers
- NA’AMAT offers critical help to women seeking legal advice in areas ranging from domestic abuse to workplace related concerns.
- Operates several women’s health care centers
Other Information:
Melanie Kutnick, President