Jewish Federation of Cleveland

Jewish Federation of Cleveland

We promote the well-being of our community, its members, and Jews throughout the world; enhance the continuity, security, and unity of the Jewish community; increase understanding of Jewish values and their application to improve people’s lives; encourage our members to fulfill the responsibility of tikkun olam, to make the world a better place; support Israel as a Jewish and democratic state; and promote collective action by individuals and organizations to advance these purposes.

For more than 120 years, the Federation has created the critical scale necessary to drive meaningful social change and provide relief in times of crisis in ways no one person or organization could do alone. As Jewish Cleveland’s hub for innovative solutions and collaborative services, the Federation is able to change and improve lives in Cleveland, Israel, and around the world. Thanks to the generous support of our donors and the tireless efforts of our beneficiaries, Cleveland is one of the most vibrant and caring Jewish communities in the world.

Local Partners

Akiva High School  ·  Bellefaire JCB  ·  Cleveland Hillel Foundation ·  Fuchs Mizrachi School ·  Gross Schechter Day School ·  Hebrew Academy of Cleveland ·  Hebrew Shelter Home ·  Hillel at Kent State University ·  Jewish Education Center of Cleveland ·  Jewish Family Service Association ·  Joseph and Florence Mandel Jewish Day School ·  Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage ·  Mandel JCC ·  Yeshiva Derech HaTorah

International Partners

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) ·  Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) ·  Jewish Federations of North America ·  World ORT

Other Information:
Erika B. Rudin-Luria, President
Daniel N. Zelman, Board Chair

Our Programs