Hebrew Academy of Cleveland
The mission of the Hebrew Academy is to imbue all students with a love of G-d, Torah and Eretz Yisroel and to prepare them to achieve excellence in Torah and general knowledge based on a successful cooperation among family, Judaic and general studies, faculty and community.
Rabbi Simcha Dessler, Educational Director
Established in 1943, the Hebrew Academy is chartered by the State of Ohio and provides an intensive Jewish education from Early Childhood through a college prepatory High School and includes:
- Early Childhood
- Kindergarten
- Yeshiva Ketana for Boys
- Girls Elementary Division
- Yavne High School for Girls
- Association with Yeshiva of Cleveland
- Kollel
- Camp S.T.E.P.
- Special Needs
Our Programs
Hebrew Academy of Cleveland – Girls Elementary School
Chartered by the state of Ohio, the Hebrew Academy Elementary School runs a Girls Elementary division for students grades 1-8.
Hebrew Academy of Cleveland Camp S.T.E.P.
The S.T.E.P. (Summer Torah Enrichment Program) is a camp program for children from 3 yrs. old – 8th Graders that provides fabulous recreation opportunities and enhances the educational goals of the Hebrew Academy.
Hebrew Academy of Cleveland – Boys Elementary School Program
Elementary School Program: Chartered by the state of Ohio the Hebrew Academy Elementary School is comprised of the Yeshiva Ketana division for students in Grades 1-6.
Hebrew Academy of Cleveland Torah Encounters
Adult outreach program offered by the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland.
Hebrew Academy of Cleveland Yavne High School for Girls
The Beatrice J. Stone Yavne High School is a college preparatory, Bais Yaakov community school for girls, grades seven through twelve. The curriculum includes a dual program of Judaic and General Studies.