B’nai Abraham-Temple B’nai Abraham
Temple B'nai Abraham (TBA) is a warm and welcoming congregation located just 15 minutes from Crocker Park on the west side of Cleveland.
Cantor Laurel Barr
We are a Reform temple with many interfaith families and everyone feels right at home. Congregants view Temple B’nai Abraham as an extended family, sharing simchas (celebrations) together. Under the spiritual guidance of Cantor Laurel Barr, Temple B’nai Abraham has something to offer everyone. Come join us at an upcoming service or program and see what we are all about!
Our commitment to each other and the temple is strong and offers congregants:
- Active Pre-School Programming
- Innovative Sunday School
- Engaging Adult Education
- Adult B’nai Mitzvah Classes
- Interfaith Outreach & Programming
- Welcoming Sisterhood
- Community Service & Outreach
- Interesting Social Activities
Visit our website to register for upcoming programs: www.tbaelyria.org and be sure to check us out on Facebook (tbacleveland) to stay updated on upcoming events.
Other Information:
Sydney Brunschwig, President