Star Icon Program of- Jewish Education Center of Cleveland (JEC)
One of the Jewish Education Center’s core pillars is to advance professional growth. To that end, a variety of professional development opportunities are provided, along with recognition of outstanding educators.
The Jewish Education Center provides professional development opportunities and funding for educators to expand their professional growth through:
- Educational conference grants
- Communities of Practice
- Professional Growth Plans (PGP) to financially assist with a new degree, license, or certificate
- Academic and non-academic courses
- Coaching in new instructional strategies
- Mentoring
The Jewish Education Center annually honors outstanding teachers for quality teaching with substantial awards intended to be used for continued professional learning:
- The Ratner-Goldberg Israel Fellowship
- The Steiger Family Education Grant
- The Dr. Sylvia Fleck Abrams Award for Special Education
- The Dr. Lifsa Schachter Early Childhood Educator Award
- The Libbie L. Braverman Award
- The S. Lee Kohrman Award in Jewish Experiential Education