Star Icon Program of- Jewish Family Service Association (JFSA)
KNOW ABUSE™ is a peer-to-peer educational program that starts the conversation on healthy vs. unhealthy relationships. Students develop an understanding of unhealthy behaviors that can lead to toxic or abusive relationships and are instructed on healthy actions they can take as well as how to support friends who may be victims.
The KNOW ABUSE™ curriculum can be incorporated into any discipline, including health, English, physical education, or family living curricula and meets the State of Ohio’s requirement to provide teen dating violence prevention (Ohio House Bill 19).
A Teen Advisory Board, comprised of area high-school students, meets regularly with JFSA staff to discuss all aspects of the program, including identifying the issues and challenges facing teens today. The board helps the staff identify components of the program which work well and those which need updating.
JFSA trains volunteer students to become Peer Leaders in their own school who deliver the KNOW ABUSE™ curriculum to their student body. These “embedded” Peer Leaders are trained by JFSA staff, with the assistance of the Teen Advisory Board.