JFSA Achieving Potential: Therapeutic Services

Cognitive Enhancement Therapy (CET)
CET is an evidence-based practice that helps people with schizophrenia and related mental illnesses improve their processing speed, cognition (attention, memory and problem solving), and social cognition (the ability to interact wisely with others). Cognitive skills are enhanced though computer exercises, group exercises and homework. CET has individual coaching and a classroom format.

Therapeutic Arts
This program offers opportunities to explore an individual’s potential through verbal and nonverbal expression and helps develop physical and emotional learning skills through therapeutic art experiences. Dance, movement, role play, music and traditional art provide modes of self-expression for every individual.

Common goals within this supportive environment are to:

  • Foster self and cultural awareness
  • Promote self-expression and personal growth
  • Improve communication and cooperative skills
  • Identify and build upon strengths

Most insurance is accepted.