B’nai Jeshurun Bessie Hershey Religious School

The Bessie Hershey Religious School of B’nai Jeshurun Congregation is a Conservative Jewish School offering Jewish Studies in Pre-Kindergarten through 12th Grade.

Rabbi Josh Foster, Education Director


The Bessie Hershey Religious School of B’nai Jeshurun Congregation is a Conservative Jewish School offering Jewish Studies in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12. Our school is committed to the teaching and upholding of the beliefs, ideals, practices and values of Conservative Judaism. We value a partnership between the school and the home and encourage parental involvement in your student’s education. The school is affiliated with the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland.

The Goals: The school bases its program on the belief that fostering Jewish continuity requires a solid Jewish education.  Upon completion of their formal Jewish education, our students should be able to:

  • Live ethical Jewish lives
  • Perform acts of Tikkun Olam (the concept of “repair the world”)
  • Participate actively and competently in prayer services
  • Read Hebrew prayers
  • Perform mitzvot (act according to the commandments)
  • Demonstrate a connection and love for the State of Israel
  • Identify as a member of k’lal Yisrael (the world Jewish community)

The Curriculum:  The school is committed to offering a quality program that allows students to participate in their learning, discover meaning in their studies, and more deeply understand their Jewish experiences. The school accomplishes these goals through its variety of classroom learning activities, including:

  • art, music, drama and outside the classroom experiences
  • instruction according to each child’s developmental level
  • social interaction between students and with educators
  • the school’s partnership with the student’s home life
  • family education programming

We encourage students to continue their education through Graduation and become lifelong Jewish learners.

The school fosters in students a love for the State of Israel. We teach the historical and current importance of Israel in Jewish life and encourage participation in travel and study programs in Israel.

Informal Education:  We encourage students to participate in Jewish youth groups and summer camps in order to gain a sense of belonging in the local Jewish community.